1 Востаннє редагувалося javascriptIsLife (28.12.2017 22:43:54)

Тема: ArrayList.AddRange додає зайві дані при асинхронній обробці

Код скопійовано з довідки. І частина яка починається з Char[] charBuffer = new Char[BUFFER_SIZE] працює добре, але я виршив піти власним шляхом і накопичувати байтики які прихлодять у відповідь на HTTP запит в ArrayList і потім, коли зчитування даних буде завершено, записати в файл. У випадку з моїм ArrayList в файл записується трохи тексту десь з кінця.

Прихований текст
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        public static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);
        const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the URI from the command line.  
            Uri httpSite = new Uri("https://bank.gov.ua/NBUStatService/v1/statdirectory/exchange");

            // Create the request object.  
            WebRequest wreq = WebRequest.Create(httpSite);

            // Create the state object.  
            RequestState rs = new RequestState();

            // Put the request into the state object so it can be passed around.  
            rs.Request = wreq;

            // Issue the async request.  
            IAsyncResult r = (IAsyncResult)wreq.BeginGetResponse(
               new AsyncCallback(RespCallback), rs);

            // Wait until the ManualResetEvent is set so that the application   
            // does not exit until after the callback is called.  
            // allDone.WaitOne();


        private static void RespCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            // Get the RequestState object from the async result.  
            RequestState rs = (RequestState)ar.AsyncState;

            // Get the WebRequest from RequestState.  
            WebRequest req = rs.Request;

            // Call EndGetResponse, which produces the WebResponse object  
            //  that came from the request issued above.  
            WebResponse resp = req.EndGetResponse(ar);

            //  Start reading data from the response stream.  
            Stream ResponseStream = resp.GetResponseStream();

            // Store the response stream in RequestState to read   
            // the stream asynchronously.  
            rs.ResponseStream = ResponseStream;

            //  Pass rs.BufferRead to BeginRead. Read data into rs.BufferRead  
            IAsyncResult iarRead = ResponseStream.BeginRead(rs.BufferRead, 0,
               BUFFER_SIZE, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), rs);

        private static void ReadCallBack(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            // Get the RequestState object from AsyncResult.  
            RequestState rs = (RequestState)asyncResult.AsyncState;

            // Retrieve the ResponseStream that was set in RespCallback.   
            Stream responseStream = rs.ResponseStream;

            // Read rs.BufferRead to verify that it contains data.   
            int read = responseStream.EndRead(asyncResult);
            if (read > 0)
                // Prepare a Char array buffer for converting to Unicode.  
                Char[] charBuffer = new Char[BUFFER_SIZE];

                // Convert byte stream to Char array and then to String.  
                // len contains the number of characters converted to Unicode.  
                int len =
                   rs.StreamDecode.GetChars(rs.BufferRead, 0, read, charBuffer, 0);

                String str = new String(charBuffer, 0, len);

                // Append the recently read data to the RequestData stringbuilder  
                // object contained in RequestState.  
                   Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rs.BufferRead, 0, read));

                // Continue reading data until   
                // responseStream.EndRead returns –1.  
                IAsyncResult ar = responseStream.BeginRead(
                   rs.BufferRead, 0, BUFFER_SIZE,
                   new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), rs);
                if (rs.RequestData.Length > 0)
                    //  Display data to the console.  
                    string strContent;
                    strContent = rs.RequestData.ToString();
                    File.WriteAllText("nbu.xml", strContent);
                    BinaryWriter backup = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream("C:\\fnbu.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write), System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
                    Console.WriteLine("none more");

                    System.Byte[] bytes = new System.Byte[rs.accumulatedData.Count];
                // Close down the response stream.  
                // Set the ManualResetEvent so the main thread can exit.  
                // allDone.Set();

// The RequestState class passes data across async calls.  
public class RequestState
        const int BufferSize = 1024;
        public StringBuilder RequestData;
        public byte[] BufferRead;
        public WebRequest Request;
        public Stream ResponseStream;
        public ArrayList accumulatedData = new ArrayList();
        // Create Decoder for appropriate enconding type.  
        public Decoder StreamDecode = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();

        public RequestState()
            BufferRead = new byte[BufferSize];
            RequestData = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
            Request = null;
            ResponseStream = null;
