Section: 1 5 / 5
1. Course and Instructor Introduction3:57
2. How to make the best of this course1:46
3. What is Python?0:55
4. Why Python?2:38
Quiz 1: Basics
Section: 2 8 / 8
Software Setup and First Python Script
5. Introduction1:00
6. Install Python2:09
7. Install Java and Eclipse3:01
8. Install PyDev1:49
9. Download the completed projects0:54
10. First Python Program2:30
11. Comments2:36
12. Python Indentation1:49
Section: 3 5 / 5
13. Introduction1:37
14. Numeric Types3:02
15. Complex , Binary and Hexadecimal Types2:50
16. Boolean Types1:13
17. Type Conversion Functions3:39
Section: 4 20 / 20
Sequence Types
18. Introduction1:04
19. Create a string3:42
20. Slicing a string2:12
21. Steps in slicing2:00
22. Strip the spaces1:45
23. Few more string methods3:17
Assignment 1: Data Types
24. Create a list3:04
25. Adding and removing list elements2:21
26. Few more list functions2:49
27. Tuple0:24
28. Use a Tuple3:16
29. List to Tuple1:25
30. Set Type3:49
31. Frozen Set1:09
32. range type2:36
33. bytes and bytearray2:45
34. Dictionary5:07
Quiz 2: Data Types
Assignment 2: Collection Types
Section: 5 5 / 5
Operators and Operands
35. Arithmetic Operators4:22
36. Assignment Operators2:48
37. Comparison Operators2:36
38. Logical Operators3:53
Quiz 3: Operators and Operands
Section: 6 7 / 7
Input and Output functions
39. Introduction0:49
40. print2:56
41. print and string formatting4:17
42. input4:18
43. reading multiple inputs3:49
Quiz 4: Input and Output functions
Assignment 3: Input and Output functions
Section: 7 5 / 5
More Programs
44. Read and Display student details3:23
45. Average of three numbers2:33
46. Area of a circle1:36
47. Using the math module1:20
48. function as parameter to an other1:54
Section: 8 19 / 19
Flow Control Statements
49. Introduction1:15
50. If Else Syntax1:08
51. Find even or odd number3:30
52. IF Else Ladder1:22
53. Handle Zero1:48
Assignment 4: If-Else Ladder
54. While Syntax0:42
55. Display numbers from 1 to 202:16
56. Odd numbers between given numbers3:36
57. For Syntax0:53
58. using for loop2:13
59. product of numbers in a list3:24
60. multiplication table of a given number3:53
61. Control Statements1:15
62. break2:43
63. continue2:48
64. assert2:21
Quiz 5: Flow Control Statements
Assignment 5: Loops
Section: 9 4 / 4
Command line arguments
65. Introduction2:09
66. command line arguments4:27
67. product of command line arguments2:54
Quiz 6: Command Line Arguments
Section: 10 15 / 15
68. Introduction2:51
69. first function2:28
70. returning a result1:09
71. return multiple values3:04
72. accessing global variable with the same name0:58
73. local and global variables2:18
74. assign function to a variable1:01
75. function inside another2:50
76. returning functions1:42
77. pass any type1:16
78. Recursion2:35
79. recursion2:05
80. keyword arguments1:40
81. default arguments1:26
Quiz 7: Functions
Section: 11 16 / 16
82. Lambdas2:09
83. Lambda - Cube of a given number2:32
84. Lambda - Even or Odd1:56
85. Lambda - Sum of two numbers1:55
86. Using a filter2:52
87. Using the map function2:11
88. Using reduce function2:22
89. Decorators0:44
90. Decorator that doubles the result of a function2:45
91. Using @ Decorator1:13
92. Decorating Strings2:38
93. Generators0:40
94. Create a generator2:12
95. Create a module and use it3:21
96. Different ways to import1:22
Quiz 8: Lambdas and More
Section: 12 5 / 5
List Comprehensions
97. List Comprehensions1:21
98. Cube of numbers in a list3:12
99. Even numbers in a list2:20
100. Product of numbers in a list3:34
101. Common elements in a list2:55
Section: 13 12 / 12
Object Oriented Programming
102. Introduction3:05
103. The 4 OOP principles0:34
104. Classes and Objects1:33
105. Create first class5:12
106. Use Parameterized Constructor4:25
107. Define a instance method2:50
108. Create Getter and Setter methods5:11
109. Define instance methods2:11
110. Define static field3:05
111. Count the number of Objects2:31
112. Create a Inner Class3:36
Quiz 9: Classes and Objects
Section: 14 5 / 5
13. Introduction1:08
114. Private Fields and Name Mangling4:46
115. Implementing Encapsulation3:09
Quiz 10: Encapsulation
Assignment 6: Encapsulation
Section: 15 6 / 6
116. Inheritance2:38
117. Inheritance in action5:39
118. Inheriting Functionality2:27
119. Overriding1:35
120. Using Super()1:55
Quiz 11: Inheritance
Section: 16 5 / 5
121. Introduction1:04
122. DuckTyping3:11
123. DuckTyping for Dependency Injection3:57
124. Operator Overloading2:02
125. Runtime Polymorphism2:01
Section: 17 4 / 4
126. Abstract Classes and Interfaces2:21
127. Create an Abstract Class4:57
128. Create an Interface3:20
Assignment 7: Abstraction
Section: 18 11 / 11
Exception Handling Assertions and Logging
129. Exceptions3:19
130. Exception Class Hierarchy1:51
131. Handling Exceptions4:52
132. Using Finally3:24
133. Else1:00
134. Logging in action2:12
135. Logging Configuration3:05
136. Log Exceptions2:14
137. Using Assertions3:23
Quiz 12: Exception Handling Assertions and Logging
Assignment 8: Exception Handling
Section: 19 8 / 8
138. Files2:58
139. Write string to a file2:35
140. Read from a file1:13
141. Write multiple strings3:25
142. Check if the file exists3:05
143. Pickle3:54
144. UnPickle1:37
Quiz 13: Files
Section: 20 12 / 12
Regular Expressions
145. Regular Expressions1:21
146. Sequence Characters1:30
147. search()3:06
148. findall() and match()5:07
149. split()1:32
150. substitute()1:20
151. Quantifiers0:58
152. using quantifiers2:46
153. Matching dates1:57
154. Special Characters1:49
155. using special characters1:38
Quiz 14: Regular Expressions
Section: 21 8 / 8
Date and Time
156. Date and Time1:10
157. Time since epoch2:04
158. Finding the current date and time2:14
159. Combining Date and Time2:08
160. Sorting dates2:59
161. sleep()1:22
162. Knowing the execution time of a program2:16
Quiz 15: Date and Time
Section: 22 19 / 19
163. Introduction3:29
164. Main Thread3:06
165. Thread using a function2:10
166. Printing Thread Names1:07
167. Thread extending the Thread Class2:36
168. Thread using a class2:30
169. Multithreading in action1:17
170. using sleep()1:19
171. The TicketBooking usecase2:42
172. Thread Synchronization2:14
173. Add more logic5:31
174. Synchronization using lock2:29
175. Synchronization using semaphore0:17
176. Thread Communication1:49
177. Using a boolean flag6:00
178. Run and summarize2:41
179. Thread Communication using wait and notify1:48
180. Use wait and notify4:16
Assignment 9: MultiThreading
Section: 23 11 / 11
181. Introduction0:36
182. Downloading a HTML4:36
183. Downloading a Image2:09
184. Socket Programming1:06
185. Create a server5:33
186. Create a client2:52
187. File Server3:23
188. File Client2:05
189. Sending Emails0:47
190. Email Client4:31
191. Run Mail Client0:41