Тема: Дорога у 1000 лi починаеться з одного кроку у 5000 гривень. REQUEST.
Добридень, шановнi.
Вибачаюсь за пунктуацiю - дуже незручно текстувати украiнською, якщо не маешь вiдповiдноi клавiатури.
So, as I seek a job, maybe EN would be more appropriate for a moment.
It would be nice, if an employer knows unforgotten taste of Linux, while lack of an excessive abstraction in C gives stable quickness. Well, maybe sometime business goes badly, but it's alike a life.
- C/C++/bash/perl/python, maybe php in Linux domain.
- lack of commercial experience - just a rookie (so, salary is far not a main question) - but who needs the past, when the world changes so rapidly.
- to learn EN - I'm just learning ZH, 'cause the most comprehensive vocabulary for Chinese is in English.
- plain but steady motivation.
well, that's all,... for starters.
Вiдсутнiсть бажання до зайвих розмов звiсно звичка мудроi людини.
But always, You know, someone new needs to do the first step.
And while one's trying just drop a friendly glance to.
'Cause we all are Humans.
But how exactly YOU do think about that?