Тема: Підключення списку із адресами SFR для контролера 8051
Вітаю, форумчани!
Намагаюсь запрограмувати C8051F310 контролер з допомогою Simplicity Studio.
Ось код:
; F31x_Blinky.asm Rickey's World
; Copyright 2014 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
; http:;www.silabs.com
; Program Description:
; This program flashes the green LED on the C8051F33x target board about
; five times a second using a simple while loop in assembly.
; How To Test:
; 1) Ensure shorting blocks are place on the following:
; - J3: P3.3_LED
; - J8: Power - 9V or Debugger
; 2) Connect the USB Debug Adapter to J4. If 9V power is selected on J8,
; connect the 9V power adapter to P1.
; 3) Compile and download code to the C8051F310-TB development board by selecting
; Run -> Debug from the menus, clicking the Debug button in the quick menu,
; or pressing F11.
; 4) Run the code by selecting Run -> Resume from the menus, clicking the
; Resume button in the quick menu, or pressing F8.
; Target: C8051F310
; Tool chain: Silicon Labs Studio / Keil C51 9.51
; Command Line: None
; Release 1.1 (BL)
; - Updated Description / How to Test
; - 16 JAN 2014
; Release 1.0
; - Initial Revision (HF)
; - 04 FEB 2003
$include (SI_C8051F310_Defs.inc)
GREEN_LED equ P3.3 ; Green LED: '1' is ON
PWMPIN EQU P1.0 ; PWM output pin
PWM_FLAG EQU 0 ; Flag to indicate high/low signal
; Reset Vector
cseg AT 0
ljmp Main ; Locate a jump to the start of
; code at the reset vector.
; Interrupt Vector (Timer 0)
cseg AT 000Bh
ljmp TIMER_0_INTERRUPT ; Locate a jump to the start of
; timer 0 subroutine on the interrupt
Blink segment CODE
rseg Blink ; Switch to this code segment.
using 0 ; Specify register bank for the
; following program code.
; Disable the WDT.
anl PCA0MD, #NOT(040h) ; clear Watchdog Enable bit
; Enable the Port I/O Crossbar
orl P0SKIP, #04h ; skip LED pin in crossbar
; assignments
mov XBR1, #40h ; enable Crossbar
orl P3MDOUT, #08h ; make LED pin output push-pull
orl P3MDIN, #08h ; make LED pin input mode digital
; Set up PWM
MOV TMOD,#00H ; Timer0 in Mode 0
MOV R7, #160 ; Set pulse width control
; The value loaded in R7 is value X as
; discussed above.
SETB EA ; Enable Interrupts
SETB ET0 ; Enable Timer 0 Interrupt
SETB TR0 ; Start Timer
; Initialize LED to OFF
; Simple delay loop.
Loop2: mov R7, #03h
Loop1: mov R6, #00h
Loop0: mov R5, #00h
djnz R5, $
djnz R6, Loop0
djnz R7, Loop1
cpl GREEN_LED ; Toggle LED.
jmp Loop2
JB PWM_FLAG, HIGH_DONE ; If PWM_FLAG flag is set then we just finished
; the high section of the
LOW_DONE: ; cycle so Jump to HIGH_DONE
SETB PWM_FLAG ; Make PWM_FLAG=1 to indicate start of high section
SETB PWMPIN ; Make PWM output pin High
MOV TH0, R7 ; Load high byte of timer with R7
; (pulse width control value)
CLR TF0 ; Clear the Timer 0 interrupt flag
RETI ; Return from Interrupt to where
; the program came from
CLR PWM_FLAG ; Make PWM_FLAG=0 to indicate start of low section
CLR PWMPIN ; Make PWM output pin low
MOV A, #0FFH ; Move FFH (255) to A
CLR C ; Clear C (the carry bit) so it does
; not affect the subtraction
SUBB A, R7 ; Subtract R7 from A. A = 255 - R7.
MOV TH0, A ; so the value loaded into TH0 + R7 = 255
CLR TF0 ; Clear the Timer 0 interrupt flag
RETI ; Return from Interrupt to where
; the program came from
CLR TR0 ; Stop timer to stop PWM
; End of file.
Компілятор видає помилку:
413 SETB EA ; Enable Interrupts
*** _____________________________________________^
*** ERROR #A45 IN 413 (D:\8051\F31x_Blinky_asm_2\src\F31x_Blinky.asm, LINE 94): UNDEFINED SYMBOL
Я знайшов таке рішення http://www.keil.com/support/docs/982.htm. Поставив галочку Define SFR names в налаштуваннях асемблеру. Пробував різні асемблери - A51, AX51, однак проект все одно не компілюється.
Поки я визначу адреси вручну, однак набагато зручніше було б працювати із попередньо визначеними адресами. Можете, будь ласка, порадити що-небудь?
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