Re: Як змусити ПК вимкнутися ?
vtorgashov написав:0xDADA11C7 написав:А ще беріть до рук Таненбаума і штудіюйте.
Щось в гуглi нема взагалi нiчого толкового про те як вимкнути ПК
Я це пробував...
mov ah,53h ;this is an APM command
mov al,00h ;installation check command
xor bx,bx ;device id (0 = APM BIOS)
int 15h ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h
jc APM_error ;if the carry flag is set there was an error
;the function was successful
;AX = APM version number
;AH = Major revision number (in BCD format)
;AL = Minor revision number (also BCD format)
;BX = ASCII characters "P" (in BH) and "M" (in BL)
;CX = APM flags (see the official documentation for more details)
;disconnect from any APM interface
mov ah,53h ;this is an APM command
mov al,04h ;interface disconnect command
xor bx,bx ;device id (0 = APM BIOS)
int 15h ;call the BIOS function through interrupt 15h
jc .disconnect_error ;if the carry flag is set see what the fuss is about.
jmp .no_error
.disconnect_error: ;the error code is in ah.
cmp ah,03h ;if the error code is anything but 03h there was an error.
jne APM_error ;the error code 03h means that no interface was connected in the first place.
;the function was successful
;Nothing is returned.
Пк просто перезапускався....